18 March 2009

The Prayer of Blessed +John XXIII, P.P.

Almighty God! In Thee we place all our confidence, not trusting in our own strength. Look down benignly upon these pastors of Thy Church. May the light of Thy supernal grace aid us in taking decisions and in making laws. Graciously hear the prayers which we pour forth to Thee in unanimity of faith, of voice, and of mind.

O Mary, Help of Christians, Help of Bishops, of whose love we have recently had particular proof in thy temple of Loreto, where we venerated the mystery of the Incarnation dispose all things for a happy and propitious outcome and, with thy spouse, St. Joseph, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist, intercede for us to God.

To Jesus Christ, our most amiable Redeemer, immortal King of peoples and of times, be love, power, and glory forever and ever.

Blessed +John XXIII, "Gaudet Mater Ecclesia,"
Opening Speech at the Second Vatican Council,
11 October 1962


  1. This revisiting of the prayer of Good Pope John XXlll is very timely reminder of the need to pray for our present Pope in his role of decision-maker and of legislator.


  2. Indeed. May Mary, "Help of Bishops," assist the Bishop of Rome as he carries out his ministry as the Successor of Peter.


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